Little Shop Armed Forces Veterans Model Club Liskeard Cornwall

Little Shop Armed Forces Veterans Model Club Liskeard Cornwall

Why Meet Up With Other Veterans? 

You might be wondering why groups like the Little Shop Armed Forces Veterans Model Club Liskeard Cornwall (LSAF) start up. In a world where inclusivity is important, clubs that are exclusively available to a certain group may seem somewhat counter intuitive. But for serving armed forces and veterans, groups like the LSAF can serve a very important role, often filling an empty space in their lives.

Meeting up with other veterans and serving armed forces personnel can offer a range of benefits, and individuals may have various reasons for doing so. Here are some common reasons why veterans choose to meet up with one another and how they benefit from doing so:

Shared Experiences:

Veterans often share unique experiences that civilians may not fully understand. Meeting with fellow veterans allows them to connect on a level of shared experiences, which can be comforting and therapeutic. 


Military service often fosters strong bonds and a sense of comradery among veterans. Meeting up provides an opportunity to reconnect with old friends and build new friendships with those who have gone through similar challenges. Veteran groups are great places to share a sense of humour that isn't always appreciated in civilian life. 

Support Network:

Veterans may face specific challenges and issues related to their military service, such as post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), physical injuries, or transitioning to civilian life. Meeting with other veterans can provide a support network where they can share advice, coping strategies, and resources. 

Mental Health and Well-being:

Social isolation and mental health concerns can be common among veterans. Gathering with peers can combat isolation and provide an avenue for discussing mental health struggles in a non-judgmental environment. 


Advocacy and Awareness:

Some veteran meet-ups focus on advocacy and raising awareness about issues affecting veterans, such as veterans' healthcare, housing, and employment. These gatherings can serve as platforms for collective action and advocacy. 


Community Service:

Many veterans feel a strong sense of duty and service. Meet-ups may involve volunteering or community service projects to continue contributing to society and maintain a sense of purpose. 

Education and Information Sharing:

Veterans often seek information about benefits, resources, and opportunities available to them. Meeting with other veterans can be a valuable source of information and guidance. 

Hobbies and Interests:

Veterans may share common hobbies or interests outside of their military service. Meet-ups centred around these hobbies or interests can provide an enjoyable and relaxed environment for socialising. Such environments can encourage veterans to open up, be themselves, and talk about things that are troubling them. 


Veterans often have a wide range of unique skills and experiences. Networking with other veterans can lead to job opportunities, business partnerships, and career advancement. 

Celebrating Service:

Veterans may gather to commemorate important military events, celebrate holidays like Veterans Day, or honor fallen comrades. 

Ultimately, meeting up with other veterans can provide a sense of belonging, mutual support, and a platform for veterans to address their unique needs and concerns. It can also be a way to celebrate their service and maintain connections with a community that understands their experiences. 


Little Shop Armed Forces Veterans Model Club Liskeard Cornwall

Our group is made up of veterans & serving members of His Majesty's Armed Forces. The club is sponsored by The Little Shop DVD & Games and Tabletop Skirmish Games who provide everything you need to enjoy the hobby together. 

Our goal is to offer a FREE club with no fees or subs. It’s important that you come along and feel welcomed as part of the team. No one is in charge and we all have a say. Relax, be yourself and share a similar sense of humour! 

We meet every Thursday evening, 18:00 - 21:00, at the Little Shop DVD & Games in Liskeard. At the meet ups we build and paint models, and play tabletop skirmish games like Warhammer, Moonstone, and Bolt Action. Other games are welcome.

The Little Shop Armed Forces Veterans Model Club Liskeard Cornwall (LSAF) is a great place to hang out, share stories, and be with other like minded people. Want to come along? Simply turn up on a Thursday evening and you’ll be more than welcome. 

Contact details: 

Message Jay or Lee here on Facebook. 

Email Lee at: 

You can also call or text: 

Jay: 07834390137

Lee: 07737751189 

Find us here: The Little Shop DVD & Games, Fore St, Liskeard, Cornwall, PL14 3JB.

We look forward to seeing you at the LSAF!

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