Population Z: Welcome To Huntsville FAQ & Errata

Population Z: Welcome To Huntsville FAQ & Errata


Q. Do all Survivors receive the Fists weapon as standard?

A. Yes 


Q. Are the 10 starting Zombies (for a 2-Survivor game) included in the 30 Shufflers in the box or do we make a total of 40 Shufflers in the box? 

A. Yes, the starting Zombies are included in the total Shufflers in the box. So for a 2 Survivor game, the total Shufflers in the box will be 30. 


Q. A query regarding Noise during a Survivor's activation. The Noise chapter states "count only one Bang, Boom, and Blast for each Survivor's activation, regardless of how many noisy activities they carry out during that activation."

Is this up to 1 Bang , 1 Boom AND 1 Blast (e.g. 1-11 noise tokens)? 
1 Bang 1 Boom OR 1 Blast (e.g. 1-4 noise tokens)? 

A. It's 1 Bang, 1 Boom AND 1 Blast for each Survivor's activation.

Here's an example to show the designer's thinking on this ....
During a Survivor's activation, they shoot a gun that makes a reasonable noise. Then they throw a grenade that makes a louder noise, attracting Zombies from further away to come and see what's going on. Then they might set off an even bigger explosion or alarm, and that noise is even louder or goes on for longer, attracting more zombies.
A second Survivor activates, and they go through the same process, making noise on the different levels that attracts even more zombies.
A third Survivor activates ... and so on.



Population Z: Welcome to Huntsville - Page 44:

The top left text with arrow pointing to the Cog.

REPLACE "The attack characteristic tells us how many attack dice to roll each time we attack with the weapon."

WITH "The Action Characteristic tells us how many actions it will cost the Survivor to use the weapon.


Population Z: Welcome to Huntsville - Page 60:

REPLACE 'shee' in the third paragragh WITH 'sheet.'


Population Z: Welcome to Huntsville - Page 62:

REPLACE '1D6' in the first paragragh and the Guilt Table WITH '2D6'. 



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