Q1) objective markers in our game were 4 data drives and 1 laptop. The only rule we could find is you to have to be in base to base with them to use a free action to pick them up. Does this mean move and run we could use part of our movement and move up, free action pick them up, the use the rest of our movement to move away? Or can we only pick up after competing our action and ending base to base at the end of that models activation ?
A1) We play that you would complete the Move action and then Pick Up for free.
Q2) fire support: can the model that is the fire support specialist use it on themselves during their activation to move and shoot giving up the shoot part to unpin themselves so that they can move?
A2) Yes, they can use it on themselves.
3) ropes say no falling damage but ropes are also referenced in tricky terrain. If a model had a rope piece of gear can they scale any building at
normal speed?
A3) No, if a model has a rope piece of gear they can not scale any building at normal speed. (They would need a grappling hook for that).
We often place ropes, ladders, pipes etc on terrain features that are climbable, though. These remain in place for the Mission and all Warriors can use them. Players should decide this before the game.
(Thanks to Gregory for questions 1-3).
Ungentlemanly Warriors - Page 13:
There's a slight error in the last two paragraphs. The Enemy Warrior Team list can be found at the back of the book on page 49 not page 14.
REPLACE The last two paragraphs of page 13 with ...
"The following page includes a Solo FAQ page that you can update as new FAQs come up. If you have any questions or need clarification on any aspect of the Solo Rules, check out the video we made on our YouTube channel or join us on our Facebook Group, where you can ask questions and join in with the community.
We recommend familiarising yourself with the Enemy Warrior Team at the back of the book before moving on to the next section where you will build your Platoon and assemble your first Player Mission Team."
When rolling to activate an Enemy Warrior in the Alarm Phase, a result of 4, 5 and 6 should indicate to activate, respectively, Warrior 2, Warrior 3 and Warrior 4 from the Enemy Warrior Team Sheet on Page 49.
I changed the activation table to make the Warrior # match the dice roll for 4,5 and 6, so it was more intuitive.
On Page 10 I should have accounted for this and added: "When you select the 4 Enemy Warriors for the Enemy Warrior Team, change the Warrior #'s to match the 1D6 results on the 'Enemy Warrior To Activate Table'."
The Missions in Ungentlemanly Warriors use the Enemy Warriors 1-4. As there will be more solo missions coming (free) that include Oswald (5) and Heinrich (6), and options for players to select each Enemy Warrior, I was preparing for that and got a bit ahead of myself.
Thanks to Freddy for pointing it out and sorry for the confusion.
The Watch Commander will move around or through buildings and obstacles.
If an Overwatch is on the ground, they will leave their post if Curious. During their next activation, if no PWs are in their AOV, they will return to their post.
If an Overwatch is on a terrain feature, they will not leave their post if Curious. Instead, move another random Enemy 5” towards the PW.
If a Caretaker, Perimeter or Guard is Curious, they will leave their Patrol Path. During their next activation, if no PWs are in their AOV, they will return to their Patrol Path and carry on as normal.
The Watch Commander will sometimes have an Enemy Enlisted with him on his rounds. During the Sentry Phase, the Soldier remains in base contact with the Watch Commander. Treat them as one model. During the Alarm Phase, the Enemy Enlisted no longer stays in base contact, and will activate immediately after the Watch Commander during the same activation.
If a Sentry reaches the board edge during their move, and still has movement left, they are turned 180 degrees and then must continue their move.